For girls of reproductive age to attend schools regularly without fear of being caught up in the middle of their monthly cycle, WOCO supports girls with hygiene kits to encourage them attend classes even if they are experiencing the inevitable menstrual cycle. Also being supported are lactating mothers who are mainly living in emergency contexts have been provided with the hygiene kits.

In Kodok and Aburoc, at least 210 flood affected girls and lactating mothers have been targeted with the hygiene kits.

The kits which were donated by UNFPA to WOCO contain items such as intimate WASH and pads  in order to support the women and the girls who have been affected by conflict and flood to improve their psychosocial and physical wellbeing.

The immediate contributions of this support to the women and girls are the reduction of girls absenteeism at school during periods as a result of bullying and inadequate toilet facilities, safer personal hygiene, increase girls confidence which improves their ability to participate in schools, increase women mobility as in some context such as in Siluk areas, women do not move out of homes without Lawo, a traditional cloth cover for Siluk women and men and increase saving so that girls and women  and their families can use the money previously spent on sanitary pads for other purposes.

Group of Women and girls pose for a photo with WOCO’s volunteers after receiving dignity kits in Kodok- Fashoda County- Photo courtesy- Okuna Joe Albert Communications and Advocacy Officer

Group of Women and girls pose for a photo with WOCO’s volunteers after receiving dignity kits in Kodok- Fashoda County- Photo courtesy- Okuna Joe Albert Communications and Advocacy Officer

