Children deserve to be happy, healthy and safe.
It is not about how much we do, but about how much difference we make in the everyday lives of children.
For more than 10 years we have been striving to restore back the smile help children in south Sudan recover from trauma, by creating a world without stress ,providing them opportunities to fight for their rights and pursue a better life and future . We always take the lead to respond to their needs when emergencies and crisis strikes.
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Psychosocial Support
Playing is a natural and enjoyable way for children to be active, stay wel...

Family Tracing and Reunification
The 4000 reunification in South Sudan. Nyabito final was reunited with her ...

Mine Risk Eudcation
WOCO Mine Risk Education Activities in Fashoda County –Upper Nile St...

Case Management
As a concern child protection actor, WOCO strive to ensure that children w...

Income Generation Activities and Women Empowerment (IGA)
Women have been enduring the magnitude of the ongoing crisis in South Sudan due ...