The conflict which erupted in Fashoda County between September and October ,2023, displaced thousands of civilians in multiple locations. An inter-agency assessment team led by OCHA and accompanied by UNMISS reported displaced people in Kodok estimated at 22,000 to 40,000 living in deplorable conditions. Over 3000 people are estimated to have been displaced to the Malakal Protection of Civilians (PoC) site causing congestion in an already overcrowded site and causing tension over services. This displacement has caused family separation as some children were separated from their primary caregivers, leaving them in psychological distress and vulnerable to further violence, abuse, exploitation, neglect. Women and children are exposed to SGBV, kidnapping, early child marriages, rape, sexual assault, and recruitment into armed groups and forces.
In order to respond the psychosocial needs of the affected people WOCO intervention focused on community-based support which is carried out in both Women and girls- friendly and Child-Friendly Spaces. Where the affected group are provided with a conducive environment where they are supported psychologically and emotionally. The intervention also used an innovative integrated mobile approach to reach the affected people with psychological first aid for all and age-appropriate psychosocial support. Awareness raising and provision comprehensive case management for separated and unaccompanied children is also part of the intervention.