Mine Risk Eudcation
The prolonged conflict and war in South Sudan have left behind many remnants of war (ERWs) and various unexploded items in almost all the Ten State of South Sudan exposing the lives of men, women and children to risk. In order to reduce the risk on the affected people. WOCO with support from UNICEF implemented Mine Risk Education activities in Upper Nile State Fashoda County through a set of education activities with broad objectives of imparting knowledge, skills, attitudes and practices that contribute to reduction of the threat and impact of mines and ERW threaton the affected community. WOCO focused on Community Liaison to ensure that there is exchange of information with different stakeholders regarding presence and impact of mines/UXO on the community. Materials used in intervention included MRE manuals for teachers which were used in schools to create awareness for children, banners, photographs, posters and leaflets.To address the communication barriers MRE field staff were recruited from grass root level,those who speak and understand the native language .These staff underwent severaltrainings on Mine Risk Education including follow up trainings to impart new skill.The trainings involved strategies on how to work with children, adolescents and ex-military/soldiers, facilitation and training skills, community sensitization, animation and drama and other topics identified based on the needs of the community. Most of the training were facilitated by UNICEF and UNMASS.WOCO Mine Risk Education Activities in Fashoda County –Upper Nile State
WOCO’s MRE interventions focused on the following strategies