South Sudan Joint Response SSJR Team have gathered in Juba for five days in an attempt to streamline humanitarian delivery strategy focusing on Child, Gender and Persons with Disability inclusion in program accountability. The partners accountability to affected population engagement meeting that ran from the 29th November to 4th of December was organized by South Sudan Widows and Orphans Charitable Organization, SSWOCO in collaboration with War Child Holland with support from Dutch Relief Alliance. The partners deliberated on the best strategies to integrate child, gender and disability centered accountability approach for effective and sustainable emergency response outcomes

Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) is an active commitment by humanitarian actors to use power responsibly by taking account of, giving account to, and being held to account by the people they seek to assist. The organizations are committed to ensure accountability is integrated into program designs, monitoring and evaluations, recruitment, staff inductions, trainings and performance management, partnership agreements, and highlighted in reporting

Both local and international humanitarian actors were responding to a top up fund from Dutch Relief Alliance DRA tailored to improve participation and involvement of aid recipients in areas affected by conflicts and floods. The partners include, Save the Children International, ACROSS, HAC, Smile Again Africa Development Organization, War Child Holland, Mary Help Association, Zoa Dorcas, South Sudan Widows and Charitable Organization (SSWOCO), Plan International, UNIDOR, CEF, WDG.

War child Holland Country Director at a closing the AAP Workshop at Nile Beach Hotel, Juba
War child Holland Country Director at a closing the AAP Workshop at Nile Beach Hotel, Juba

The partners have also discussed ways to provide accessible and timely information on organizational procedures, structures and processes that may impact communities in order to support informed decisions, and engage communities in a dialogue as part of information provision while actively seek the views of communities to improve policy and practice in programming, ensuring that feedback and complaints mechanisms are streamlined,appropriate and robust enough to handle (communicate, receive, process, respond to and learn from) complaints about breaches in policy and stakeholder dissatisfaction.

Partners further explored strategies to enable communities to play an active role in the decisions that will impact their lives through the establishment of clear guidelines and practices on participation and ensure that the most marginalized and at risk such as people living with disability, children and women are represented and have influence on the matters that affect them.

South Sudan Joint Response Coordinator Joseph Kayi speaks at a closing ceremony of JR AAP partners
South Sudan Joint Response Coordinator Joseph Kayi speaks at a closing ceremony of JR AAP partners

The partners also agreed to involve affected population in the design, monitoring and evaluation of the goals and objectives of programs with the involvement of affected populations, feeding learning back into the organization on an on-going basis and reporting on the results of the process.
